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Residential Plot for Sale in Hosur Road Bengaluru South
Posted On:Sep 01 2012   
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Royal Guru Gardenia Hosur Road,Hosur Road,Bengaluru South

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Hi, this is bmrda approved layout, in heart of it/ bt, verry closer to narayana hrudayalaya hospital, just opposite to skf, with all hitech ammenities, north/ east corner property

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    • +917259401839
Posted On: Oct 10 2013   |   Property ID: PR90001568  
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    Residential Plot for Sale
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    •  thirumala reddy kv,Agent
    • +917259401839
Posted On: Oct 10 2013   |   Property ID: PR90001571  
  • no image
    Residential Plot for Sale
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    Rate: 1,900 per Sq. Ft.
    Total Price:   1,700
    •  thirumala reddy kv,Agent
    • +917259401839
Posted On: Oct 10 2013   |   Property ID: PR90001570  
  Property Id: PR90000854
Property Snapshot
no image Transaction :  New Property
Plot Area :  2400 Sq. Ft.
Procession :   Ready to Move 
Ownership :  Leasehold
Property's Age :  5 to 10 years
Total Price:   84,00,000
Property Sponsor (Agent)
no image Mohan  Krishnan
Chandra Real Estate
B.T.M Layout
B.T.M Layout, Bengaluru South

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