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Indian Economy at Crossroads: Q2-2012 Report

Now consider this, if the housing market grows at 15% annually, rupee remains stable, and inflation is 7%, then you have an annual real return of 8%, which implies a doubling of your investment in slightly less than nine years.

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Bangalore: Real Estate Investment Destination of Choice

Indian real estate sector is going through a period of correction at this moment. From the heady days of high double digit growth rate, we have observed the housing price growth slowing down to single digit figure across India.

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Magic of Interest Rate

It may surprise you to know that when you take a mortgage, most of the time the interest payment exceeds the principal payment.

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A new Beginning

We live in an 'information overload' market place, where coherent insight is in short supply and it is very easy to get confused.

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A nice Dussehra gift for Housing finance companies

SEBI allowed debt oriented mutual funds to invest upto 10% in housing finance companies (HFC)

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