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4 Bedroom Independent House for Sale in Valsaravakkam Chennai West
Posted On:Jul 04 2012   
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Southri Nagar, Valsaravakkam,Valsaravakkam,Chennai West

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Independent house available for sale in savithri nagar

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Posted On: Jul 12 2012   |   Property ID: PR90000633  
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    •  Aravind Aravind,Agent
    • 9383258785
Posted On: Jul 12 2012   |   Property ID: PR90000622  
  Property Id: PR90000567
Property Snapshot
no image Transaction :  Resale Property
Bedroom :  4     Bathroom :  4
Covered Area :  5000 Sq. Ft.
Plot Area :  5000 Sq. Ft.
Procession :   Ready to Move 
Ownership :  Freehold
Property's Age :  5 to 10 years
Total Price:   90,00,000
Property Sponsor (Agent)
no image Vasanth  Kumaran
Valsaravakkam, Chennai West

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