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Advice » News» News Bites February 26 2012

News Bites February 26 2012

Feb 26 2012 | 0 Comments | 3227 Views

Sustained rental rate growth in Kolkata

The absolute level remains lower than that of Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. However, while those cities have experience price correction Kolkata has surged forth. Rashbehari connector, Park Circus connector, Dalhousie Square and Park Street are the areas that saw highest growth rate in 2011.

Read more at http://tinyurl.com/73aqped


Stock price of HDFC, a key mortgage lender, drops amidst overall correction in the stock market

Indian stock market slide last week  included  drops for  key lenders like HDFC and SBI. HDFC in particular has lost 25% of its value in last four months. There are economy wide risk factors too.  Political turmoil relating to Iran has made the oil market jittery. This may lead to renewed inflationary pressure in light of the fact that  oil constitutes a large portion of Indian import (petroleum product constitute one third of India's imports). This may prevent RBI from easing the monetary policy.

 Read more at : http://tinyurl.com/7u8zgqp


Citi sells its remaining stake in HDFC for $1.9B

Immediate reaction to the sale yesterday is a stock price drop of 3%. Indian stock market has experienced overall gain  in 2012, but recent rise in oil prices (both in the spot and forward market) are prompting analysts to revise their outlook for India's growth potential.

Read more at http://tinyurl.com/7nl8x8v

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