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Looking for: Buy Rent      
Properties in Secunderabad
  All residential and commercial properties listed by agent, builder and owner for Rent in Secunderabad
   We found 2 properties listed for Rent in Secunderabad.
Showing 1 - 2 of 2 Sorted By:
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    Independent House for Rent
    Bedroom: 3 
    Bathroom: 3 
    Covered Area: 1300  Sq. Ft.
    Plot Area: 1800  Sq. Ft.
    Total Price:   10,000
    Amitabh Barua-Agent
    • 9966019564
Posted On:  May 01 2013   |   Property ID: PR90001491  
  • no image
    Office Space for Rent
    Covered Area: 5000  Sq. Ft.
    Rate: Rs. 30 /Sq. Ft.
    Total Price:   2,00,000
    Amitabh Barua-Agent
    • 9966019564
Posted On:  May 18 2012   |   Property ID: PR90000100  

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