Our Journey started Quest for Excellence is not a sprint but a marathon Anonymous
It was January 15th 2012, 3:00 am in the morning and our whole technology division was in suspended animation. Our maiden version was due for release in 2 hours and we had a technical glitch. An hour of stress, prayer, and some technological wizardry and it turned out to be a minor hitch. For us this was a slice of "birth pain" which every new entity goes through. When residencebuy.com was born early this year there was a mixture of joy and relief. It was also the beginning of a long cherished journey: to make online real estate process simple and user friendly. We planted a seed of our real estate vision and as 2012 progressed, we witnessed it bloom in spectacular glory. For us it has been a unique experience with key achievements and few speed bumps. As the sun sets on 2012 we have a sense of accomplishment combined with a strong desire to do more. Residencebuy.com was significant for what it offered. A year into its existence, we are proud to provide several unique features hitherto unavailable to online Indian real estate community. The fruit of our labor is attested by a constantly improving site. This includes a simple interface for home buyers to explore properties that includes complete floor maps, price schedule, and agent/builder details. Our goal has been to provide the buyer the closest experience to actually visiting the property. Our offering for agents and builders are equally attractive. We help them to establish their online presence and facilitate the process of effective marketing to target audience both local and beyond. Furthermore, our careful attention to user-centric approach ensures that setting up of online profile (and dedicated website within residencebuy.com), listing of projects, and interacting with potential buyer are just few clicks away. Combine this with our digital marketing solution, and we are proud to provide an end-to-end real estate solution. Our motto: you think about the real estate listings and projects and let us take care of the technology and marketing for you. Apart from providing an effective platform for real estate transaction we have also endeavored to share our mortgage expertise. This is done through our guides, news analysis, and blogs that cover important aspects real estate transaction. I am sure the question on your mind is: well how are you doing? Glad you asked. A host of great services are useless without you users. We are proud to say that our efforts have been rewarded with your support and endorsement. Thanks to you, we have thousands of we have listed properties and registered agents and builders number in hundreds now. What is more remarkable is the geographical diversity of our listings. Our online presence not only encompass small cities like Patna, Bhubaneswar, Nagpur, and Pune, but also large metros like Bangalore, Chennia, and Delhi. We are indeed grateful for your support. Apart from that we are enjoying a healthy and growing traffic of visitors endorsing what we offer. That feels good, and we thank you for that.. While the first year has been great, we want to make residencebuy.com better for you. On the technology we are committed to provide you the best services. For example, in light of the growing significance of social media (i.e. facebook and twitter to name two) we are committed to provide a tighter integration with online social media services. One of several benefits will be that , you can use your facebook account to register at residencebuy.com and use all the available services seamlessly. We also plan to enrich our site with timely commentary on local and national real estate trends and the factors contributing to real estate growth. We also plan to produce regular newsletters that provide detailed analysis on specific real estate topics. As always, our mission is to help you to be a more informed player in the real estate market. In the process we want to learn from your real estate acumen and share it with wider online audience. It is win-win for all of us. Great people are the foundation of any great enterprise and we are no exception. Our whole team at residencebuy.com has worked indefatigably and we salute them for their hard work, persistence, and creativity. We are confident that this single minded pursuit of excellence will take us to greater heights in 2013. For us residencybuy.com is a constant quest for excellence and with your help we will make it even better in coming days. Thank you, Team ResidenceBuy