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Advice » Blogs » A new Beginning
ResidenceBuy India's Blog
A new Beginning
Feb 19 2012 | 0 Comments | 4500 Views

"We are drowning in information and starving for knowledge" 
  Rutherford D. Roger

We live in an 'information overload' market place, where coherent insight is in short supply and it is very easy to get confused. Thus the motivation for this blog is simple; it is to make sense of seemingly unrelated news reel highlights/headlines and draw right conclusion about the market. Our regular blog postings, news analysis, and property trend analysis will fulfill this task.Armed with market insight, and the opportunity provided by residencebuy.com you are in a ideal situation to make informed decision in a changing market place.

For a start, we set out few key aspects of Indian real estate market. Whenever we talk about any industry (including real estate) we are interested in two complementary issues: (1) Broader macro issues, and (2) Relevant micro issues.
A sample of Broader Macro issues:

  • Is there a housing market bubble?
  • How will the future demand and supply evolve to shape the market condition?
  • How will the housing market respond to ever increasing integration with the outside world.
  • How will changes to lending policy and regulatory framework in mortgage financing affect the housing market?
  • Can we expect securitization of the mortgage industry in the near future, if so how will it affect the market dynamics?

A sample of micro issues:

  • As a buyer, Should I invest in real estate at all, if so when and where?
  • If I am not a resident of India, what are the key factors I should take into consideration for investment?
  • As a builder, what are the key candidate areas for my upcoming investments?
  • As an agent, how do I effectively gather information about the key projects and suitably match buyer and seller?
  • As a financial institution, how do I access the risk/reward associated with lending to market participants (be it perspective house buyers or real estate developers)?

We will address these issues and much more in our coming posts. Furthermore, you will find additional resources in our guide and mortgage tool section. So please check them out.

Before parting, let me add that you, our esteemed readers, can make our blog and portal much richer by their comments and insights. So please share your thoughts and comments.Let us be an exciting real estate community.   

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