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General Documentation

By ResidenceBuy India  |  0 comments   |  1939 views  |   Feb 25 2012

Here is the list of required documentation for NRI home loan:

  • Salaried NRI Applicants:
    • Copy of valid passport showing VISA stamps
    • Copy of valid visa / work permit / equivalent document supporting the NRI status of the proposed account holder
    • Overseas Bank A/C for the last 3 months showing salary credits
    • Latest contract copy evidencing Salary / Salary Certificate / Wage Slips
  • Self-Employed NRI Applicants:
    • Copy of valid passport showing VISA stamps
    • Brief profile of the applicant and business
    • Trade license or equivalent document
    • 6 months overseas bank account statement and statement NRE/ NRO account

*Additionally the PIO card holders need to provide the copy of the PIO card, a copy of Indian passport, or passport or marriage certificate of parents/grandparent

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