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Advice » Guides » Guiding you to real estate clarity

First time home buyer


Buy vs. Rent

Before buying a house this is the most important choice you face. Depending on your circumstances either renting or buying may be the best choice for you....
By ResidenceBuy India | 1940 Views | 0 Comments



Consider Monthly payment,Total housing cost,Debt Burden,General expenses and other assosiated cost factors to measure your preparedness for home ownership....
By ResidenceBuy India | 1946 Views | 0 Comments


Shortlist properties

Shortlist properties: Now that you are ready to go, here are some key facts to keep in mind:...
By ResidenceBuy India | 2679 Views | 0 Comments

Buying Guide
Shortlist properties

Shortlist properties: Now that you are ready to go, here are some key facts to keep in mind:

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Buying Guide
Home buyers tips on mortgage

As a homebuyer you are bombarded with a Niagara of information. Here we distill it for you so that it makes sense.

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Selling Guide
Enhance the home Value

Enhance the home value:Given that you have decided to sell, and have a good pricing strategy based on extensive research and market trend, it is time to make your property attractive.

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Selling Guide
Final Check List

Get documents ready before you selling. Read more for detail requirements from Govt. of India

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Selling Guide
Setting Home Price

Setting the right price is the most important aspect of selling a house successfully. Note that a high price will drive the buyer away and a very low price will result in a financial loss for you.

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