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Reasons for Selling Home

By ResidenceBuy India  |  0 comments   |  2283 views  |   Feb 26 2012

Due to globalization, on average, every seven to ten years, home owners sell and move, but there are so many other reason for selling house and moving to different location. One can categorize reasons for selling into three borad groups:
  1. Moving: Moves are primarily of two types:
    • Changing job moving out of city: Check out our "buying" guide to get tips for buying a new house.
    • Moving within the same city: People move within the city for several reasons that include commute consideration, better neighborhood, and better house.

      Check out our property seaqrch to find listings in your area of interest. Our registered premium agents are a great resource to help you out in your new search.  

  2. Monetary Profit:
    In a rising property market it is often tempting to sell your house and enjoy capital gains due to a rise in property value. So we advise you to find the right time to sell so that your gains are maximized. It is also useful understand the tax consequences of the sale for appropriate planning.  

  3. Unexpected Events: 
    Due to financial/other pressing needs a seller may have to sell his property. Under these circumstances our advice is not to rush through the process (if possible) and get the right value for the property. Also, understand the tax implication of your sell and explore options to minimize tax exposure (see more about tax benefit below). Visit property serach to check out the property price in your neighborhood for determining the price point.

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